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Research Symposium Fall 2023

College Science Scholars Research Symposium

September 27th, 2023, 4 - 6pm, 206 Chemistry

Noyanika Vattathara, 2nd Year CSS Student

“The telescoping effect: sex differences in the development of an addiction-like phenotype following intermittent-access fentanyl self-administration in rats”

Mentor: Dr. Wendy J. Lynch, UVa Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavorial Sciences

Topic Area: Neuroscience


Sara Kakatkar, 2nd Year CSS Student

“Urban Environmental Injustice as seen by Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation”

Mentor: Prof. Sally Pusede, UVa Department of Environmental Sciences

Topic Area: Environmental Injustice


Annie Zhao, 2nd Year CSS Student

“Lipofuscin and mitochondrial alterations in hippocampus CA3 neurons in normal aging and 3xTg-AD mouse”

Mentor: Prof. Alev Erisir, UVa Department of Psychology

Topic Area: Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience


Sofia Megert, 2nd Year CSS Student

“Increasing stereogenic centers of eight-membered drug candidates via dihapto-coordination to a transition metal complex”

Mentor: Prof. Dean Harman, UVa Department of Chemistry

Topic Area: Organometallic Synthetic Chemistry